1: 1. Eddie and Jamie have a baby. 2. Frank retires and passes torch. 3. Danny finds peace.

2: 4. Erin's career takes off. 5. Who will be the next commissioner? 6. Family dinner table moments.

3: 7. More police cases solved. 8. Nicky and Jack find love. 9. Will Linda's death be solved?

4: 10. A surprise guest appearance. 11. Eddie promoted to sergeant. 12. New challenges for the Reagans.

5: 13. Eddie's father returns. 14. Jamie becomes police chief. 15. Frank finds closure with past.

6: 16. A new family member arrives. 17. Sean follows family legacy. 18. Danny settles down.

7: 19. Conflict within the Reagan family. 20. Eddie's secret past revealed. 21. Erin's new love interest.

8: 22. NYPD faces a major crisis. 23. Joe Reagan's storyline. 24. Jamie's struggles as a cop.

9: 25. Return of past villains. 26. Robert McCoy's comeback. 27. Series finale cliffhanger.