1: 1. Preheat oven. 2. Brown beef. 3. Layer tortillas, beef, sauce. 4. Top with cheese.

2: 1. Bake until bubbly. 2. Let cool. 3. Garnish with cilantro. 4. Enjoy!

3: 1. Gather ingredients. 2. Prepare enchilada sauce. 3. Shred cheese. 4. Have fun assembling.

4: 1. Customize with veggies. 2. Add beans for protein. 3. Experiment with spices. 4. Make it your own.

5: 1. Share with friends. 2. Perfect for parties. 3. Leftovers are delicious. 4. Freeze for later.

6: 1. Try with chicken. 2. Vegetarian? Skip meat. 3. Make it spicy. 4. Mild for kids.

7: 1. Serve with rice. 2. Pair with salad. 3. Top with avocado. 4. Satisfying meal.

8: 1. Comforting and hearty. 2. Ideal for weeknights. 3. Quick prep. 4. Family favorite.

9: 1. Endless variations. 2. Simple and delicious. 3. Easy cleanup. 4. Beef enchilada casserole perfection!